
jeff severs jsevers1 at
Sun Jan 28 16:07:58 CST 1996

>This is the second Zappa/Pynchon connection I've seen in the last few
>months, the first being over on The AFFZ guys claim
>that while there is not evidence that FZ ever read TRP (or, apparently, much
>of anything else), there is at least once reference to FZ in GR.
>I've never noticed it, personally, and no longer have the cite. But perhaps
>this reference was discussed over here (I've only been subscribing a couple
>months) and some other Zappaphile/Pynchonite could enlighten me.

Don't know about GR, but there is this at the end of the _Slow Learner_
intro., where Pynchon discusses his nostalgia for his own past (fair
warning for the publication of _Vineland_?):

"Maybe this small attachment to my past is only another case of what Frank
Zappa calls a bunch of old guys sitting around playing rock 'n' roll. But
as we all know, rock 'n' roll will never die, and education too, as Henry
Adams always sez, keeps going on forever" (23).

Too young to have been much of a Zappa fan,

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