Brazilians in V

Mr Craig Clark CLARK at
Mon Jul 1 01:47:55 CDT 1996

David Jordan writes

> Um, since long before I learned Spanish in the university, and even last I
> heard, "cono"  (yes, with a tilde over the 'n') was a vulgar word for
> vagina (um, pussy or cunt).  By the way are we in mixed company?  Or the
> company of the puritanically inclined or those of a polically correct
> bent?  If so, I offer at least a pro forma apology.

The word "cono" (with tilde) is what Benny and the Mendoza clan are 
always looking for in _V._... I take it your Vulgar Vaginas are 
intended as a reference...  
Craig Clark

"Living inside the system is like driving across
the countryside in a bus driven by a maniac bent
on suicide."
   - Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

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