Strange Journeys

Bonnie Surfus (ENG) surfus at
Mon Jul 1 19:13:05 CDT 1996

On Mon, 1 Jul 1996, RICHARD ROMEO wrote:

> Hi all,
> Richard Romeo asks plaintively:
> > How the hell do you pronounce Vheissu anyway? 
> Tom Schaub, who taught my Pynchon seminar way-back-when,
> always preferred "V-is-you."  ;-)
> Penny
> --------------------------------
> Thanks, Penny.  couldn't it be V--a boy named Sue?  :)  
> Richard Romeo
> Coordinator of Cooperating Collections
> The Foundation Center-NYC
> 212-807-2417
> rromeo at
There are a number of ideas I've played with but one that sticks around
most is "Wie heisst du?"  This is, of course, German "What are you called,
or What's your name? (colloquially).  From there, the statement "V. calls
you" seems to proceed, especially in Stencil's case.

Bonnie Lenore Surfus
Department of English
University of South Florida

"This wordless ratcheting queue . . .
thousands going away . . . only the
stray freak particle, by accident,
drifting against the major flow . . ."
--Thomas Pynchon (GR 51)

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