Uncomfortable TV

Heikki Raudaskoski hraudask at sun3.oulu.fi
Sat Jul 6 12:35:55 CDT 1996

On Thu, 4 Jul 1996, davemarc wrote:
> I'd be much more willing to identify a number of
> excellent and innovative television productions (say, *The Simpsons*, *Twin
> Peaks*, *Seinfeld*, *The Civil War*, and even *The Tick*) broadcast in
> recent years as evidence that, against all odds, the US Tube is not 100%
> devoid of creativity.

To my mind and knowledge nothing in the 90s compares with _The Simpsons_
as a creative act. As a fin-de-siecle project it is as important as
Proust's _Recherche_.


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