subversive TV

Bruce Appelbaum Bruce_Appelbaum at
Tue Jul 9 11:01:35 CDT 1996

     I remember seeing the entire show on WABC, ABC's flagship station in 
     NYC.  Deservedly cancelled.

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Subject: subversive TV
Author:  ac038 at at Internet
Date:    7/9/96 11:07 AM

A footnote in the history of subversive TV--and a footnote
that reveals the limitation of official tolerance--is the Sixties 
show _Turn On_.  I recall this personally, from being a teen in 
front of the Tube, but confirmation can be found in Brooks & Marsh 
COMPLETE DIRECTORY TO PRIME TIME.  Modeled on _Laugh In_, _Turn-On_ 
has to hold the record for shortest run TV show ever!  It was yanked 
in mid-episode of its premiere!  Becuase of a few jokes that
would today pass unnoticed on MARRIED WITH CHILDREN or any other 
sitcom, my local ABC affiliate and others simply refused to return 
to the broadcast after a commercial break, thanks to lit-up 
switchboards around the nation.  (Brooks & Marsh claim the 
full telecast aired, but that's not how I recall it.  Even so, for 
a series to be yanked after one episode.....).  And don't forget 
the SMOTHERS BROTHERS contreversy of the same period.  Don't 
imagine that today is any different.
DiFi&Newton/2 Poplar/Prov., RI 02906/Vox: 401-751-0139
"I have almost nothing in common with myself"--Franz Kafka 
"I do the best imitation of myself."  Ben Folds Five

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