Whole Sickness?

Susan M Danewitz danewitz at u.Arizona.EDU
Thu Jul 11 05:56:48 CDT 1996

> >  On a more content oriented note, has anyone noticed any good 
> >  qualities to the WSCrew, any life-giving aspects, or does
> >   _V._ pretty much condemn / show decadent the whole bunch?
> It wasn't much, but didn't the Crew kick in that $300 when Esther got
> done wrong?
> 				P.

Perhaps this is my personal bias, but the overwhelming theme i
see in _V._ is the struggle between animate / inanimateness and
so the $$ is merely another way the Crew help something become inanimate.
Rachael, who seems to be a Good Guy, fights tooth & nail to
prevent Esther's abortion...  I mean, pitching in your
spare change to help fund a bombing or massacre wouldnt be so
impressive, would it?

I'd like to draw a line, somehow, that marks difference between
WSC and Foppl's crowd, later, but all i can see is differences
in degree, not in kind.


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