Personals, Christopher's

Aaron Yeater AYEATER at
Fri Jul 12 10:41:03 CDT 1996

you laugh, but Andrew Sullivan made an interesting point in a recent 
New Republic essay, that Bob Dole is the ultimate ironist, that his 
personality is much more "gen-X" then Bill Clinton ever will be.  I 
still won't vote for him, but i appreciate the argument...

> Christopher confesses:
> "1.  Christopher also finds the third-party voices in which the various
> Pynchonites are currently expressing themselves to be poignantly indicative
> of postmodernity, profound self-alienation, the terran presence of
> extraterrestrial life, or else bad flatulence."
> Sort of like Bob Dole?
> Fine place for shoes, Mankato!  (Except the two best shoe stores downtown
> have gone/are going for Progress [to be pronounced with a mouthful of
> spaghetti, preferably in Zurich]).
> Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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