No subject

Mon Jul 15 10:41:44 CDT 1996

hg suggests:
"Of course, there's nothing                     
inherently wrong with 24fps - as long as we realize it's not an end
in itself but just a means to an end, hopelessly compromised these
days, it seems, but still, with the help of red wine and friends...."


Perhaps not.

There's much in GR, at least, that suggests parallels between TRP's view of
cinema and the "critique of the apparatus" that was being mounted about
the same time as the composition of GR, by French poststructuralists such
as Jean-Louis Baudry.  These writings, from a Marxist, materialist position,
suggest that the very structure of the film "mechanism" from the machinery
of projection itself to the "suturing" operations of editing incorporate
, replicate and reify ideological positioning of the "subject-viewer."

Pynchon's perspective is completely different, but (in GR at least, again)
I think that some of his conclusions are along similar lines.

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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