Parallel Passage Pursuits

jm plachazu at
Fri Jul 19 07:57:15 CDT 1996

As I read Celine I am struck by passages that call to mind certain passages
in Pynchon and other writers.  Is it unconscious plagarism on the part of
the writers, or sly allusion, or perhaps just my own tendency to look for
connections where none exist?  Of course none of this brand of uncertainty
is new to readers of TRP.  Here are my latest examples:  

Celine's _North_, p.240:  "I could see the ground moving... not only ahead
of me... out there!...the whole plain!... the beet field the distance...I'm not really dizzy...but maybe I'm
not feeling so good...damn!"

_Gravity's Rainbow_ p.67:  "Now every loose stone, every piece of tinfoil,
billet of wood, scrap of kindling or cloth is moving up and down: rising ten
feet, then dropping again to hit the pavement with a sharp clap.  The light
is thick and water-green.  All down the streets, debris rises and falls in
unison, as if at the mercy of some deep, regular wave.  It's difficult to
see any distance through the vertical dance."  

And here's another:

Celine's _North_, p.194:  "the sky is furrowed with RAF, Berlin-London round
trip, breaking up the clouds."  

Delany's _Dhalgren_, last page:  :The sky is stripped. I am too weak to
write much.  But I still hear them walking in the trees; not speaking.
Waiting here, away from the terrifying weaponry..."  


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