Navy picture?

Mr Craig Clark CLARK at
Mon Jul 22 02:23:14 CDT 1996

Andrew Dinn and Murthy Yenamandra write to each other:

MURTHY:    "To me it was worth it for the one pic of the man in the
ANDREW:    "Does this mean there is a second picture of TRP around?
                     GIF! GIF! GIF!"
MURTHY:  "The Wanda book is at home, while I'm stuck at work (though one wouldn't
                    know it looking at me through pynchon-l). I'll try to put it some place
                    accessible as soon as I can. I'd thought everyone except me had probably
                    seen it some other place already. BTW, this is the only one I've seen so
                    far - I guess the other one is his high school picture?"

Is this Navy pic the one which appeared (inter alia) on the back 
cover of David Cowart's _Thomas Pynchon: The Art of Allusion_ 
(Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1980)? If so, it 
shows someone who looks like the most surprising thing he could ever 
write was maybe a script for a Bugs Bunny cartoon...

Craig Clark

"Living inside the system is like driving across
the countryside in a bus driven by a maniac bent
on suicide."
   - Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

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