Goldbug Camp

Mon Jul 22 18:47:00 CDT 1996

You know I've tried man I have tried that pleasant belly-bursting glide 
of overactive science and love entwining like that double-helix man but 
when I saw them Goldbugs dancing I knew I'd too too much green for me 
good, no no no I couldn't do it, it was filled with equations and no 
weird sex no S & M too much beauty, no Blicero no Onerine No pig no 
Anubis.  what was I to make of this usurper to the TRP throne:  Galatea 
2.2 please! fuck them scientists and those critics TRP camp come on tell 
it to the Hiroshima marine subbed dubbed all in tub of goody good goo 
godden golden gotten gooden plenty (choo choo) man give me bad movies and 
old popcorn I'd rather blow a kazoo then be a fool in some spaceman's 

the G(big and little uns) and R(oses oink oink) camp well put me right 
there there in that arc light square

Sincerely Mr. Ed 

UnCoordinated Slothoperating Dispensations

The Foundation Center-New Y Cuntswella


rromeo at

:0  :0  :0  :0  :)

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