Quantum Mechy Mouse (was: Sokal again. Drat!)

Paul Mackin mackin at allware.com
Wed Jul 24 14:31:05 CDT 1996

On Wed, 24 Jul 1996, Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt wrote:

> Paul Mackin writes:
> > Wonder how Pynchon will deal with quantum mechanics, if and
> > when he does (and if he has not done already).
> Wasn't that one of the keys to V? (In the SHROUD episode the 
> shift to a 'post-mechanist universe' is characterized - and debunked? - thus:
> "Now in the twentieth century, with nuclear and subatomic physics 
> a going thing, man had become something which absorbs X-rays, 
> gamma rays and neutrons" (284)

True. Guess I was hoping for something along the lines of a
sound-shadows-type treatment. :-)

Seems to me those sound shadows were a counterexample to the 
contention of Weinberg that there is no extrascientific meaning
to be drawn from scientific findings. :-) :-)

Doesn't Pynchon have a rare ability to take real science and
refract it into something else quite charming and even MEANINGFUL?	


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