what the sferics said to Mondaugen

Joe Varo vjvaro at erie.net
Thu Jul 25 07:41:12 CDT 1996

On Thu, 25 Jul 1996, Paul Murphy wrote:

> [snip]

> The downside of such mathematical purism is that propostions about things
> like freedom of the will, the existence of God, etc. become perniciously
> meaningless. 'Metaphysics' (always said pejoratively, with a snicker) gets
> tangled up in mass confusion because its logic is wonky (or 'wooly', as AJ
> Ayer used to say). This is the old fact / value binary that has tenured
> philosophers muttering into their beards for decades.

> [snip]

This brings to mind another tid-bit by Wittgenstein, one of the final (if 
not the final) sentences of the Tractatus:  "that about which we cannot 
speak we must pass over in silence."


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