Alexander Cockburn

Ted Samsel tejas at
Fri Jul 26 04:36:36 CDT 1996

> >Not to mention his latest book, "Washington Babylon" (co-written with
> ><mumble> Silverstein), in the introduction to which Cockburn prominently
> >thanks our very own Steelhead and his magazine "Wild Forest Review."
> Nor his newsletter "Counterpunch" from which Washington Babylon is 
> compiled. (Silverstein's first name is Ken.) Lately Jeff St. Clair aka 
> Steelhead has been appearing on the masthead as a co-author.... Subs are, 
> I think, $20/year--cheap at twice the price.

Address, please. 

Ted Samsel....tejas at  *1996* Year of the Accordion~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         "Home of the brave, land of the free,
          I don't want to be mistreated by no bourgoisie."
AAFOUF# 0000003                           Huddie Ledbetter

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