TRP & America

Paul Murphy paul.murphy at
Fri Jul 26 18:54:54 CDT 1996

Hag's vociferous outburst about nation-states reminded me of one of my
favorite passages from GR:

"Maybe that anarchist he met in Zuerich was right, maybe for a little while
all the fences are down, one road as good as another, the whole space of
the Zone cleared, depolarized, and somewhere inside the waste of it a
single set of coordinates from which to proceed, without elect, without
preterite, without even nationality to fuck it up ..." (556, Penguin ed.)
One Utopian pipe-dream among many others scattered about GR -- like
Hindenburg saying 'fuck it'...

                             Paul Murphy
                       paul.murphy at
         "The earth that has grown remote to itself is without
      the hope the stars once promised. It is sinking into empty
      galaxies. On it lies beauty as the reflection of past hope,
        which fills the dying eye until it is frozen below the
                     flakes of unbounded space"
             -T.W. Adorno, _Mahler: a Musical Physiognomy_

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