Joe Klein

Paul Mackin mackin at
Sat Jul 27 20:38:42 CDT 1996

Paul Kedrosdy wrote:

> Saying
> that the media cannot be trusted to tell the truth is a markedly
> different thing from saying that the media shouldn't be expected
> to do its best to tell the truth. One comes from a belief that
> the media willfully and wantonly misrepresents itself, the other
> comes from mere quirks in how messy events transpire (and
> conspire) to make journalists look just as clueless as the rest
> of us. 

Mostly I think the first-rank print media is quite reliable in reporting
INFORMATION--if you read the stories closely and all the way through.

Don't think many facts (known facts) are kept from us for very long.
How could they be?

But Joe was sacrified out of fear--a lot unwarranted I would
think--of public and advertizer perception and criticism.

That he denied being Mr. Anonymous even in his own column and to his boss 
shouldn't be all that damning in the total scheme of things. The subject
matter about which he 'lied' is too trivial to take seriously.

If someone wants to remain anonymous they have a right to try.



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