Short Cranks Exemption

Teen Age Riot alwang at
Tue Jul 30 10:36:10 CDT 1996

> > as far as Tim Robbins is concerned, your trite comments are unwarranted: 
> > Tim Robbins directed Dead Man Walking.  Are you going to tell me that was 
> > merely a MOVIE and not a FILM?
> The Player, now there was a good little pictire, and spot on 
> (something).
I can't seem to get into Altman's brand of cinema: collections of 
memorable scenes, but nothing in the way of interesting character or plot 
development.  Bob Roberts, Robbins' directorial debut, now THERE was a 
pretty wonderful flick: wicked funny stuff.  Nother boffo Robbins flick 
of a totally different sort: the Coen brothers' Hudsucker Proxy.

al wang
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