Who promoted Major Marvy?

Penny Padgett padgett at intellicorp.com
Wed Jul 31 11:48:28 CDT 1996

Hi all,

For some reason, I've been thinking about Major Marvy a lot
lately.  Perhaps it was the experience of taking my 6 month old
Lab pup to be castrated; perhaps it was the recent remark on
this list (by someone whose name I neglected to note, sorry!)
that Major Marvy represents America.

Chalk this up to an insufficiently-rooted-out chauvinist
reflex if you must, but ... What did Major Marvy do that was
so bad?  Vulgar, loud-mouthed, bigoted to be sure.  Child-labor
baron, overweight -- no problem.  But are any of these castratable
offenses?  Who decided to do the deed, and why?  Is Marvy just
a cheap-thrill, we-won-a-temporary-victory-over-Them kind of deal?


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