American Death (and hope?)

Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt hag at
Wed Jul 31 17:42:05 CDT 1996

john m writes:

>                      So, having just read and not 
> reflected, since I wouldn't want to taint my .02 US eye pyramid dollar with reason, 
> or temper it w/ tolerance, it seems to me that hag's the most nationalist-minded of 
> all. 

of all what? if you insist of insulting me, please ensure that I 
understand the insult so that I may be properly peeved! (he says, 
glancing suspiciously over his shoulder, fearing there might be an 
AMERICAN lurking, waiting to pounce on the native)
> But that's just a currently fashionable revisionist thesis, hag, as radical in its way as 
> the claim that the holocaust was just a film!  Those purple mountain majesties will 
> eventually reduce all ideologies to alluvial dust, from whence might spring--?

Hmm, let's see... how about, uhh, er, a beer-drinking song? yes! 
that's good! a beer-drinking song. Btw, just which ideologies wouldn't 
you want to see reduced to alluvial dust?
>                               IMHO his America 
> means that there's still a chance, a last first place, and if it's anywhwere, it's here, in 
> a place aptly named by the Firesign Theater way back when as only  

sorry, you've lost me; "here" means?

>                           Don't set up false dischotomies over 
> bitter beer.  To posit hope requires as little allegiance to a nation/state as to posit 
> redemption or salvation require an anthropomorphic, patriarchal god, er, gad, er 
> whatever.

If that is so, maybe you could explain what 'redemption' or 'salvation' means?
> Love ya, you old curmudgeonly--whatever you are

I'm just an ignorant peasant from the Third World, bewildered at the 
strange things this computer says to me, always pretending to be 
someone else...

hag at

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