Secret History of Nordhausen

Andrew Dinn andrew at
Mon Jun 3 04:26:43 CDT 1996

Steelhead writes:

> Here's a passage from Christopher Simpson's amazing book, Blowback, about
> the recruitment of Nazi's by US corporations, military organizations, and
> intelligence operations.

Steely's right, Blowback is amazing.

Steely mentioned Arthur Rudolph who died only a couple of months ago
(I saved the obituary notice from the Guardian). Rudolph worked for
NASA under von Braun. The latter died in 76 as NASA's senior technical
man and a highly respected US citizen. Rudolph was not so lucky. His
past caught up with him in 1984 when details of his involvement in
managing the Dora camp emerged, leading to his eventual deportation
back to Europe (Austria?). Dornberger also got away with his crimes.
He worked for Rocketdyne and later Bell Aerospace where he rose to the
position of VP. It's not for nothing that in reading Weissman's tarot
TRP tells you to look in the boardrooms of the US.

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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