TRP on sloth

chris sweet csweet at
Mon Jun 3 22:17:16 CDT 1996

Paul Murphy wrote:
> >I'll have to find the piece on sloth (I'm also a real expert).
> It's been repackaged (originally in NYTRB) by Morrow, as _Deadly Sins_.
> Don't know if this is still in print, but it should be at your local
> university library. From what I remember, TRP's piece is mostly about
> Aquinas. I remember it being quite entertaining, though nothing like a
> major statement.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>                              Paul Murphy
>                        paul.murphy at
>                  ------------------------------------
>           "Genuine polemics approaches the book as lovingly
>                     as the cannibal spices a baby"
>                      -Benjamin, _Einbahnstrasse_

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