Virus Alert

Brett Porter bporter at
Wed Jun 5 10:49:50 CDT 1996

At 01:07 PM 06/04/96 EST, you wrote:
>I've been told of a virus spreading via e-mail which has the word Happy 
>in subject or something to that effect.  If you view message your hard 
>drive will be wiped clean and the CPU will be given a rather complicated 
>mathematical request which will burn that out as well.  I hear this is 
>legit so  delete the message is what I hear to save yourself.  Beware...

This is an incredibly old hoax (1994), up there with the Nieman-Marcus
cookie recipe and pull-tabs for dialysis. The best source of info (that I've
found, anyways) on this (and other) urban legends can be found at:

...or perhaps you're giving in to that old paranoia...


// Brett g Porter		voice = 908.739.5600 x131
// MUSICAM USA			fax   = 908.888.7909
// 670 N Beers St, Bldg #4 	bgporter at
// Holmdel, NJ 07733 		bgporter at

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