Evan Godolphin

Teen Age Riot alwang at eniac.seas.upenn.edu
Tue Jun 18 15:13:24 CDT 1996

> 	Anybody else find Evan Godolphin difficult to envision?  When we
> see him first he is a pudgy, innocent, overgrown lad, and next time he
> appears, in the Epilogue, he is a gaunt, deformed old man.  I just can't
> get a proper vignette in the old mindseye...

I struggled with it the first coupla readings too.  Really you have three 
images to contend with- Shoenmaker's(sp) Spad-flying herodolphin, 
Florence's adolescentdolphin, and then Quasimodolphin.  Quite a headache.


al wang
talk request at: alwang at random.resnet.upenn.edu

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