On Nabokov's Talking

Teen Age Riot alwang at eniac.seas.upenn.edu
Wed Jun 19 13:20:30 CDT 1996

Speaking of Nabokov, can anyone recommend a good biography of the man?

As far as "How Good is Nabokov", I'll have to agree with Steely in that 
of his novels that I've read, only Pale Fire and Lolita made strong 
impressions(though both left monumental, cavernous ones).  That's Vlad 
the novelist.  However, I love his shorter fiction, and if we're simply 
discussing how good of a *writer* the man is, I'd throw in Nabokov's 
dozen as a truly great set.  Three excellent works.  Plus, you 
have to give him at least some credit for his prolificness, churning out 
incredible amounts of consistent quality material.  


al wang
talk request at: alwang at random.resnet.upenn.edu

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