Conference announcement

John M. Krafft krafftjm at
Wed Mar 27 09:02:07 CST 1996

                      Narrative Conference
           April 25-28, Hyatt Regency, Columbus, Ohio

Papers of interest to Pynchon readers include:

Thursday, 4/25, 12:00 p.m.
Gerasimus Katsan, "Postmodern Narrative: International Impulse and
  National Literature"

Saturday, 4/27, 10:15 a.m.
Bernard Duyfhuizen, "Semiotics and Chaos: Toward a Dynamic Model
  for Understanding How We Read Narrative Texts"
Doug Payne, "Narratives of Psychosis/Evasions of Diagnosis"
Marge Lynd, "Science, Narrative and Difference in Gravity's

Sunday, 4/28, 8:30 a.m.
Nancy Peterson, "Relocating Postmodernism: Ellison and Pynchon"

Check the Ohio State University English home page for more details.

John M. Krafft, English                  | Miami University--Hamilton
Voice:  (513) 785-3142 or (513) 868-2330 | 1601 Peck Boulevard
Fax:    (513) 785-3145                   | Hamilton, OH  45011-3399
E-mail: krafftjm at

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