Over the Rainbow

David Andignac davida at caps.com
Tue May 7 10:36:48 CDT 1996

At 11:18 AM 5/7/96 -0400, you wrote:
>an interesting side note on Newton's Optiks (sp?)...when he first broke
>light up in a prism he counted 7 colors (adding indigo - where we now
>count 6, leaving that out) because he was convinced that the 7 colors
>would corrispond to the 7 notes in the musical scale.
>	many interesting possibilities there....
>           Since water still flows though we cut it with swords
>           and sorrow returns though we drown it with wine
>           since the world can in no way answer to our cravings
>           I will loosen my hair tomorrow
>           and take to a fishing boat
>			Li Po

When did we take indigo out of the ROY G. BIV spectrum that we learned as
kids, and what sinister forces are behind this.

Scared to Know,

David A.

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