Over the Rainbow

Peter A Watts uwattp00 at mcl.ucsb.edu
Tue May 7 16:36:40 CDT 1996

some more paranoid construct linking:
ok, we got the colors of the rainbow,
    we got the notes of the musical scale,
    we got the planets
	(must add here that astrologers long counted 7 of them);
add to this the fact that all the occult traditions I know of
divide the human form of the godhead into 7 distinct levels
(kabbala has ten sefirah, but on seven vertical levels
 taoist mysticism has ten total souls but 7 somatic, earthly 
 'hun' souls).
modern theosophy goes a step further and categorizes the auras 
surrounding each chakra into the colors of the rainbow ascending from red 
at the muladhara to violet at the crown. theres even a pot of gold up 
around the head area. 
add to this the fact that buddhas have long been depicted as having auras 
surrounded by rainbows, the reference in revelation to the god with a 
rainbow over his head. . . .
by now you've got a nice little conspiracy. enjoy :)
as to what it means, i'll let you jerry build your own arks (arcs maybe).

-uwattp00 at mcl.ucsb.edu	
	the natural man is in open revolution 
	against the utterly inhuman form 
	of life
c.g. jung

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