does squeare lead to Blockhead?

Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt hag at
Wed May 8 10:47:18 CDT 1996

JJ Jester asks:

> Ok, I'll bite.  What happened in the year 1735?  This is getting better!
> JJ
> At 04:28 AM 5/8/96 +0200, "hg" wrote:
> >> Not to mention that a squaring of the mystical number 7 brings us to 49...
> >
> >And a squaring of 49 (minus 1735) brings us to 666....

Oh, a host of important and significant things, undoubtedly (like the 
birth of John Adams, and a certain publishing trial in New York breaking 
new ground for freedom of speech, etc. etc. - any search including 
the date and certain key words, like "New England", is bound to bring 
up fascinating info - like the name Winthrop, for instance) 
This  probably does lead to "blockhead", though. So let's rather wish 
"him" many happy returns and also remember V-day - but halt, stop, TRP 
born on this day, V-day? Is it true? Is it significant? Is this another 
thermodynamic surprise? How many people have noticed? Why 
haven't I noticed before? Hmm? Hmmm?

hag at

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