Will's Students- Borenstei

Phillip P. Muth ppm at poe.acc.virginia.edu
Thu May 16 16:13:53 CDT 1996

Dear Sylvia:
"We have then a subject for whom the world has begin to take on
a meaning.  What does this mean?  For some time he has been
prey to strange phenomena that consist in his noticing things
going on in the street. But what things? If you question him
you will see that some points remain mysterious to him while he
will express himself about others.  In other words, he
symbolizes what is happening in terms of meaning.  Very often
he doesn't know, if you look closely, whether things are
favorable or unfavorable towards him, but he looks for what is
revealed by the way his counterparts act, or by some observed
feature in the world, in this world which is never purely and
simply inhuman since it's man-made...What is the subject
ultimately saying, specially at a certain period of his
delusion? That there is meaning."  JacquesLacan Seminar III The
Psychoses p 21.

You are sorting meaning/non-meaning in your role as Maxwell's
You believe that you have received the ideological call.  When
uncle sam says generically I want you, you believe that you
is You in your self.  The others words therefore are acceted by
you, but only some.  Did the plane crash  in the everglades 
have meaning for You? Why you chose some events as
"significant", i.e. as having spoken you and spoken to you, is
what makes interpellation an interesting subject so to speak.
Sorry this is so abstract. 
"Men are so necessarily mad that not to be mad would be another
form of madness" Pascal

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