
White, Rich Rich.White at FMR.Com
Tue May 21 10:03:00 CDT 1996

Remember Borges in I guess it was Uqbar, Tlon, and Orbus Tertius talking 
about a form of literary criticism where you'd take books by different 
authors and (re)construct the hybrid writer?
Why trust anybody?  Can we not judge the work without caring who the author 
.*++From: owner-pynchon-l
.*++To: SY19058
.*++Cc: pynchon-l
.*++Subject: Re: Vineland
.*++Date: Tuesday, May 21, 1996 10:18AM
.*++<<File Attachment: HEADERS.TXT>>
.*++This may sound silly, but who cares!?
.*++I ve often wondered how can we be sure that Vineland was really written
.*++by Pynchon. Ok, I mean there are many similarities in style and all 
.*++but I think everybody would agree that no matter how good a book 
.*++is it is not as "dense" as V. or GR or even possibly CoL49. I feel that
.*++it wouldnt be very hard for a reasonably good writer (or a group of 
.*++american magical realists) to produce a forgery that can have the
.*++characteristics of Pynchon (it would have to be a major project of 
.*++but still not impossible). How can we be sure? Can we trust the editor?
.*++ps. thomas pynchon is carlos fuentes! ;)

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