Movies with a pynchonian angle

White, Rich Rich.White at FMR.Com
Thu May 23 08:24:00 CDT 1996

And _The President's Analyst_ is always good for a chuckle.
.*++From: owner-pynchon-l
.*++To: SY19058
.*++Subject: RE:
.*++Date: Thursday, May 23, 1996 9:15AM
.*++<<File Attachment: HEADERS.TXT>>
.*++or The Prisoner?
.*++ ----------
.*++.*++From: owner-pynchon-l
.*++.*++To: SY19058
.*++.*++Date: Wednesday, May 22, 1996 3:06PM
.*++.*++<<File Attachment: HEADERS.TXT>>
.*++.*++Or, how about the soon to be cancelled tv series, NOWHERE MAN?
.*++.*++On Wed, 22 May 1996, davemarc wrote:
.*++.*++> Just for the helluvit, I thought I'd list some motion pictures I'd 

.*++.*++> to people who like TRP's writing....
.*++.*++> The Third Man
.*++.*++> The Singing Detective (and other Dennis Potter television 
.*++.*++> The Marriage of Maria Braun (and other Fassbinder films)
.*++.*++> Chinatown
.*++.*++> THX-1138
.*++.*++> Twin Peaks (television and film)
.*++.*++> The Dr. Mabuse films
.*++.*++> Metropolis
.*++.*++> Lindsay Anderson's if..../O Lucky Man/Britannia Hospital trilogy
.*++.*++> The Manchurian Candidate
.*++.*++ /\                       "The fool escaped from paradise will look 
.*++.*++|  |  _   , _|_  _   ,_    his shoulder and cry -- sit and chew on
.*++.*++|  | |/  / \_|  |/  /  |    and struggle to answer why...As you grow 
.*++.*++ \_|/|__/ \/ |_/|__/   |_/   leave the playground where you kissed 
.*++.*++  /|                          prince and found your frog, remember 
.*++.*++  \|                           Jester who showed you tears...the 
.*++.*++                                for tears..."  -Marillion
.*++.*++                jester at AND Sargent001 at
.*++.*++EXTREME World-Wide-Web at:

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