The Social Text Conspiracy, Indeed

Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt hag at
Fri May 24 15:07:28 CDT 1996

I can't stand it any longer, it's just too much. I have steadfastly 
resisted all temptation for WEEKS now, but I can do so no longer. 
The accumulated pressure of coincidence upon coincidence is just 
Only a couple of weeks ago I gave a paper at a colloquium on the 
cross-fertilisation between science and literary theory, gleefully 
entitled "interdisciplinary intertextuality", talking about the 
"delights and dangers of mixing metaphors" and exhorting both 
scientists and philosophers to stop "bullshitting around the burning 
bush", or at least do it properly (like the man). I have been tempted 
and tempted to offer a copy (email) to anyone on the list interested 
enough, but only now, with the Social Text Hoax, am I forced to give 
in.  You see, there comes a time in the life of any idea when no 
schlemiehl good and true can deny that its time has come, and thus 
has to take a stand. 
And so I am compelled to offer anyone interested a copy of my paper, 
which though conversational as it is (still in the process of being 
cleaned up for publication) may yet prove readable, esp. in the context 
of le hoax.

hag at

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