Send in the Academics!

Mon May 27 13:47:29 CDT 1996

Talk about Maps of Misreadings!  Sokal and Fish seem to be talking at
cross-purposes.  In the meantime, there's another dustup going on in the
pages of PMLA that might have relevance to TRP (just to try desparately to
stick to the point of this list).  In the May 1995 issue, centered on
Queer Theory, Donald Morton of Syracuse U. wrote an essay, "The Birth of
the Cyberqueer," which prompted a letter in the January 1996 issue and
which attacked Morton's obscurity of prose.  Morton responded (in rather
clear and sharp terms).  Now in the latest issue, there are another two
letters taking issue with Morton and yet another reply from him.

>From a safe distance, the whole thing is fairly amusing.

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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