The Corps(e?) Behind the V2

Steelhead sitka at
Fri May 31 18:12:06 CDT 1996

The V-2 project was dependent on concentration camp labor. One of the documents
produced by the Nuremberg Trials was a list of corporations involved in the
development and construction of the V-2 which used concentration camp labor,
before sending the victims to their death at Dora/Buchenwald/Nordhausen.
Here's a partial list of those corporations...many of them still doing fine
today. BtW, at the request of the US Govt. all German industrialists
convicted of war crimes at the Nuremburg Trails were granted clemency. And
the beat goes on.

AGO Oschersleben--production
Allgemeine Transportanlagen GmbH--loading
BRABAG--synthetic fuel
Dora Mittelbrau Projekt--rocket assembly
Dortmund-Horder Huttenverein AG--munitions
Dynamit Nobel--explosives
Ford--Werk Koln--trucks
IG Farben--film, et al
Kranz und Co.
Krupp--explosives, munitions
Lippstadter Eisen und Metallwerke-metal work
Malachit AG--tunnel building
Mittlewerk GmbH-sheathing for V2
Nationale Radiotoren--electronics
Siemens--assembly, construction, electronics
Tanrode Papierfabrick--paper plant
Vacuum Ol--oil
Wintershall AG--fuel

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