What's wrong/right with being PC

Henry M gravity at nicom.com
Mon Nov 4 12:04:35 CST 1996

David: I feel your pain. But I have seen no indication that any of 
the messages in this "thread" have been posted to any other lists. 
Don't recall seeing any Pynchon-related post from you, and now this 
sudden interest in censoring "god-damned fools and crashing bores." 

Well, if you've been actually reading the list for even a little 
while (it appears that you are able to read, David) then you may have 
noticed that Craig and most everyone else on the list, are not fools or 
bores, not matter how irritated we may be with eachother's opinions 
from time to time. You, I'm not yet so sure about.

Enjoyed you much more when you were just lurking.


On  4 Nov 96 at 9:40, David Casseres wrote:

> Subject:       Re: What's wrong/right with being PC
> Date:          Mon, 4 Nov 96 09:40:18 -0800
> From:          David Casseres <casseres at apple.com>

> Craig Clark sez:
> >Not all 
> >opponents of PC are neanderthal gay-bashing males who think that
> >blacks are savages and that women should shut up and get on with
> >the business of having our children.
> No indeed, but many of those who go on for paragraph after paragraph
> and post after post and thread after thread and mailing list after
> mailing list are god-damned fools and crashing bores.  For godssake
> post this stuff somewhere else, will you?
> Cheers,
> David

Keep Cool, but care. -- TRP

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