Discussion opener for GRGR(4) (church and hospital)

Adam J. Thornton adam at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Tue Nov 5 08:19:19 CST 1996

> `In my beginning is my end' - which new age guru used that phrase?
> Well, it's true of the rocket since we all know that Brennschluss will
> take over and the fall will occur.

Hurry up please it's time.

And out of the ruins rises, like a huge Dadaist Blimp, Augustine's Hippo,
going on to salvation.

adam at phoenix.princeton.edu | Viva HEGGA! | Save the choad! | 64,928 | Fnord
"Double integral is also the shape of lovers curled asleep":Pynchon | Linux
Thanks for letting me rearrange the chemicals in your head. | Team OS/2
You can have my PGP passphrase when you pry it from my cold, dead brain.

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