Mason & Dixon/hag

davemarc davemarc at
Tue Nov 5 08:44:29 CST 1996

At 10:57 AM 11/5/96 GMT+0200, Craig wrote:
>Dear Kerneels
>> On another track: I'm new to this list, and would like to know if there's 
>> been any mention of "Mason & Dixon", the new Pynchon novel advertised by 
>> Henry Holt in the October 21st issue of Publishers Weekly.
>Yes, a lot of mention in fact - we're all waiting with baited breath 
>here. And on another note, a third South African on the list! 
>Welcome! Now if HAG can only get his e-mail sorted out we'll be able 
>to arrange a get-together... (HAG is struggling to consolidate 
>himself at the University of Zululand, foax, and missed a lunch 
>appointment with me last week, but I'm not bitter...)
Thanks for the hag update...was wondering what'd become of him.

As far as I know, the 10/21/96 Washington Post article on Mason & Dixon is
still available online.  Try


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