multiple 49s

Jeff Meikle meikle at
Tue Nov 5 22:19:31 CST 1996

Thanks, Heikki, for kindly noting the following:

>If you want to read some interesting connotations of 49 in addition to
>those that are more commonly known, read Jeff Meikle's article on
>Lovecraft and _Lot 49_ in _Modern Fiction Studies_, which year was it,
>Jeff? Jeff makes some interesting connections between 49 and I Ching,
>49 and Psalms, and I guess he was also the first to notice that there
>is a Conan Doyle story called "Lot 249".

If anyone's interested, it's "'Other Frequencies': The Parallel Worlds of
Thomas Pynchon and H. P. Lovecraft," Modern Fiction Studies, 27 (Summer
1981), 287-294, written long before personal computers for the "masses," or
I'd volunteer it for the San Narciso website.  There's also the 49th
parallel, the 49ers (gold rush), and a number of others.  It's quite
astounding what the man does with his names.


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