
Alan Westrope awestrop at
Fri Nov 22 20:33:52 CST 1996

On Thu, 21 Nov 1996,
ENGROSEN at ACS.EKU.EDU (by way of Brett g Porter <ENGROSEN at ACS.EKU.EDU>) wrote:

[Much cogent and delightful stuph on bebop harmony elided...]

>This harmonic fork in the road enables  a variety of resolutions of 
>ii -> V -> I progressions either written into the lead sheet of a song 
>I've Got Rhythm transformed into:
>Blue's theme
>Bud's Bubble
>Thriving From A Riff
> get the point.

There is a GLARING OMISSION in this Rabelaisian congeries, and it
happens to be MY FAVORITE TUNE based on Rhythm changes.  I refer,
of course, to the theme song for "The Flinstones."  I hope you will
remedy this SERIOUS DEFICIENCY if you are planning to use this
material in your 12/30 MLA talk. :-)

Damn, all this discussion of jazz (or, rather, Jass -- now there's
a word with an interesting and not-ready-for-prime-time etymology)
fills me with nostalgia for the days when 'Prez' was the cognomen
of a TALENTED pot-smoking tenor saxophonist...

Alan Westrope     PGP public key:
<awestrop at>
<awestrop at>
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