Difficulty of TRP (was GIANT ADENOID for lease)

Ted Samsel tejas at infi.net
Tue Oct 1 05:36:02 CDT 1996

Curt sez:
> Any thoughts on what makes Pynchon difficult, or difficult to like?


"eeew, he's SO gross!"

and to read him without a crib, you need to be somewhat of a polymath
or at least have a wide-ranging education/experience.

This is not Pynchon, but an acquaintance who is a would-be female
journalist of the feminist persuasion told me that she'd rather
read Gloria Steinem than Camille Paglia, because CP uses "words
she doesn't understand".

So there!

Ted Samsel....tejas at infi.net  "Took all the money I had in the bank,
                               Bought a rebuilt carburetor, 
                               put the rest in the tank."
                                USED CARLOTTA.. 1995

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