Them, Freeways, Trolley-Lines and Paranoia

Rick Vosper maxrad at
Fri Oct 4 22:09:52 CDT 1996

At 08:49 AM 10/2/96 SAST, the inestimable Craig Clarke wrote:

>Hate to nit-pick here, but rabbits are lagomorphs, not rodents... But 
>now I think of it, you may be right - I think that may be a subtle 
>TRP reference in the movie...

How can you be sure Roger's not a lagomorphic-looking rodent, as opposed to
a-a rodent-like lagomorph, huh? I mean, given the taxonomic accuracy for
which Disney artists are famous, he could be a long-eared CAT or
something....or maybe I shoulda just called him a Eutherian and let it go at



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