GRGR(2):Lists (WAS: Re:Hours, Towers, and Powers)

Jules Siegel jsiegel at
Wed Oct 9 13:10:28 CDT 1996

David Casseres wrote:
> >Some have mentioned the Homeric tradition, and there clearly is an epic
> >convention in lists (I can't remember if "congeries" is the term for it
> >specifically).  Milton's enumeration of all the fallen angels in PARADISE
> >LOST springs to mind.
> Back when I read these in college, the lists were called "catalogs."
> Cheers,
> David

I think the best way to find out the correct term would be to begin by
looking under "Walt Whitman." The list was one of Whitman's favorite
devices and I'm sure one of his biographers will have a discussion that
will include all the pertinent technical terminology.

Jules Siegel Website:
Mail: Apdo. 1764 Cancun QR 77501 Mexico
Street: Green 16 Paseo Pok-Ta-Pok Zona Hotelera Cancun QR 77500 Mexico
Tel: 011-52-98 87-49-18 Fax 87-49-13 E-mail: jsiegel at

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