GRGR(1-2): Iron

Andrew Dinn andrew at
Wed Oct 16 03:45:26 CDT 1996

Alan Westrope writes:

> For reasons that are unclear to me, iron seems to be identified with
> The Rocket; hence, also with "old Mister fucking Death he self,"
> beginning with Pirate/Slothrop's dream of the Evacuation.  (And yeah,
> the idea that Pirate is having Slothrop's dream makes sense to me.)
> A Gloamingesque grep for 'iron' produces these examples from section 1,
> which David already mentioned:


I think it's not just iron. Often the iron is contrasted with
vegetation, coal, tar etc. (and I'm looking back to the layers of
sediment in the greenhouse, `scumbled' into a rich `impasto' of
fertile soil, also ahead to page 720, where we meet the Titans and
that rank, crazy vegetable growth which it is our mission to contain
if not destroy). I suspect the real division is between the organic
and inorganic. Which makes me wonder where we (sorry We) fit in. Which
side are the preterite on and which side the elect on?

> ps -- I know reading ahead is bad form, but, hey, it's only one sentence,
> I spotted it purely by accident, and I hope it's not grounds for expulsion
> from the list, denial of (hypothetical) tenure, flogging, or worse. :-)

You should be so lucky. I hereby sentence you to continue reading (yea
unto the last page) and repeat the punishment twice annually
thereafter until you are passed over.

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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