GRGR(3) Eventyr.
Thomas Stroebech
slothrop at
Tue Oct 22 18:20:46 CDT 1996
Eventyr is a word of danish origin (original norwegian is in fact danish).
It means both 'adventure' and 'fairy tale'. I think the latter is the
intended meaning. It seems as 'Carrol' wasn't quite enough guidance for the
intended significance of the name of a mediator. The name sounds, at least
for a Dane, almost too constructed. Carrol Eventyrs position in GR resembles
the different interludes in especially the german romantic tradition which
apart from song consists mainly of fairy tales. By naming him Eventyr,
Pynchon can create the effect of 'eternal mirroring', which loosens the
bonds to the world on our side. A process of avoiding the signifier; not of
abstraction. The use of romantic irony in GR fulfills even the wildest
dreams of any romantic 19th century writer.
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