Interview with Chrissie

Tom Stanton tstanton at
Wed Oct 23 23:26:30 CDT 1996

After reading several of Chrissie's responses I have to
say I feel slightly ashamed to have broached TRP's privacy,
no matter how "tame" the topics may appear. Yet in the same
moment I'm fascinated and not at all surprised to find he's
not too far off from what I imagined. You don't get to that
level by living -- Joyce's family suffered, Faulkner, etc., the
list is endless -- but by dedicating yourself to the work. It
paid off in the end. TRP has raised the family name back to its
aristocratic greatness, has avoided the pitfalls of publicity that
drain our artists (involuntarily or in the worst of Warholishness),
and managed in the process to significantly change people (just
look at this list, and remember we're the vocal ones!). I'm happy
he's a doting father (being one myself I can attest it changes you)
and I hope M&D is a crowning achievement for him & his readers. The
rest is just a footnote, but I admit to reading every one of them.

Guilty in DC

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