Eco vs Pynchon
Craig Clark
Thu Oct 24 09:06:26 CDT 1996
Henry Musikar <gravity at> writes:
> This has begun to make me think of the Rossini vs. Webern argument in
> GR. Yes, Eco "does something intelligent," but is intelligence all
> that we admire/enjoy in a writer. I/was Brando an "intelligent"
> actor?
On the Brando question I'll just simply say "Yes" and leave it at
that, but I think Henry's other question - "is intelligence all that we
admire/enjoy in a writer?" - deserves a better answer.
Obviously it is not. I dare say there are a number of highly
intelligent writers of schlock out there whose work I wouldn't
normally bother reading. But I believe a case can be made for Eco
going a step beyond being merely "an intelligent writer" to what one
might call "writing with intelligence". To take just one example from
what I still believe to be his finest work: The year before I read
_The Name of the Rose_ I had occasion to spend three months doing
research into medieval allegorical convention. Inter alia I found
myself investigating the way medieval authors would read a Christian
allegory into non-allegorical and pre-Christian texts such as the
_Odyssey_. Armed with that body of knowledge I was delighted to
discover that Eco was writing a non-Christian and non-Allegorical
text which could also be read as a Christian allegory: and which is,
dammit, largely concerned with medieval ideas about the reading and
deciphering of texts.
I suppose what it comes down to is that I respect and enjoy any
author who not only is intelligent but who also assumes that I am
intelligent too: intelligent enough to work hard at a text of many
levels and enjoy the task. It's why I think Stephen Sondheim is a
brilliant creator of stage musicals whereas I think Andrew Lloyd-Webber
sucks: the former assumes I'm intelligent enough to appreciate a
kabuki musical about American cultural and economic imperialism in
Japan in the last century, intended as a critique of the Vietnam war,
whereas the latter assumes I want to see some nice dancing and hear
some pretty tunes.
I think this is true of Eco. He does expect me to have the
intelligence to pick up the subtle academic jokes in the text. In
addition, he writes passably well (or rather, his translator renders
him in passable prose). He is nowhere near as brilliant a writer as
TRP, or even as Salman Rushdie (and having just read _The Moor's last
Sigh_, let me say that I found it an almost exhiliratingly
beautifully written book). But he's definitely not the worst writer
around either.
Craig Clark
"Living inside the system is like driving across
the countryside in a bus driven by a maniac bent
on suicide."
- Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"
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