[Fwd: Motives]

Jules Siegel jsiegel at pdc.caribe.net.mx
Wed Oct 23 22:10:30 CDT 1996

Andrew and I have been having a bit of private correspondence that I am
going to edit (with his permission) and put on-line here as an essay.
For the time being, I think it important to post the attached item. If
anyone is discourteous enough to doubt my honesty here, it's kind of too
bad. I will probably amplify these thoughts later on, when I have a
better picture of who you all are.

Also, I want to apologize for perhaps seeming to over-communicate. This
is really a lot of fun for me and I am enjoying the contact with such an
intelligent and amusing bunch of reading folk who seem to welcome my
presence so warmly. I've been neglecting my work while indulging myself
in this unexpected pleasure.
Jules Siegel Website: http://www.caribe.net.mx/siegel/jsiegel.htm
Mail: Apdo. 1764 Cancun QR 77501 Mexico
Street: Green 16 Paseo Pok-Ta-Pok Zona Hotelera Cancun QR 77500 Mexico
Tel: 011-52-98 87-49-18 Fax 87-49-13 E-mail: jsiegel at mail.caribe.net.mx
-------------- next part --------------
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From: Jules Siegel <jsiegel at mail.caribe.net.mx>
Subject: Motives
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 15:20:51 -0700
Size: 1661
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