Interview with Chrissie

Jules Siegel jsiegel at
Thu Oct 24 13:34:04 CDT 1996

Geirland at wrote:
> the correspondence you're posting references an article in Variety. Which article is that?

It wasn't about Pynchon, but about Richard Metzger and his
Disinformation site

> Can you post the text of your Playboy piece?  The people on this list are
> screaming for it.

Anyone who wishes too can scream my way and I will e-mail a copy. I
haven't heard anything yet. I prefer to do it this way until I can sort
out the copyright issues. I don't want it to pass into the public
domain. Please don't re-copy it or post it anywhere.
> I have a rather prosaic question about Pynchon.  How did he support himself
> in the years prior to the publication of GR?  I can't imagine that V or The
> Crying of Lot 49 or the stories earned him enough to support him during the
> first 15 years of his career.

He was always quite frugal. I believe all of is books have been
reprinted many times in a number of languages. I think he would have
been able to live adequately on his royalties.

Jules Siegel Website:
Mail: Apdo. 1764 Cancun QR 77501 Mexico
Street: Green 16 Paseo Pok-Ta-Pok Zona Hotelera Cancun QR 77500 Mexico
Tel: 011-52-98 87-49-18 Fax 87-49-13 E-mail: jsiegel at

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