John somebody?

davemarc davemarc at
Fri Oct 25 11:26:00 CDT 1996

At 09:28 AM 10/25/96 -0700, Jules wrote:
>I guess I'm becoming the world's worst name-dropper, but I knew John
>Sinclair. Great guy. I went to Detroit to hear the MC5. "Kick Out the
>Jams." I also did a lengthy interview with him which was published in my
>collection "Record." Sinclair invited me to the Black Panther convention
>in Berkely in 1969, which I covered for The New York Times Sunday
>magazine. They rejected it but it ran as part of a Playboy article
>called "Revolution," that also had some quotes from Pynchon (no
>complaints from him, by the way). If people are interested, I will OCR
>the interview with Sinclair and put it on line.
I'm interested.


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