Mason&Dixon advertisement

Fri Oct 25 16:30:00 CDT 1996

Chris wrote:  

If I hadn't seen the news here yesterday I would have had

the surprise of my life when I opened the current Publisher's

Weekly and saw an advertisement for Mason & Dixon in Henry

Holt's ad of upcoming releases. The cover is pretty bland

looking - if it is going to be the final cover. Its brown

with Mason across the top and Dixon across the bottom in

font sizes so big that the names go off the cover. Theres

a smaller Thomas Pynchon smack dab in the middle. They also

had an ISBN number that I neglected to copy down, a price -

$27.50, and a statement that there would be major print

and television advertisements.

Now I wonder what shows they would advertise it on - MST3000?



Interesting that only 'son' from Mason and 'xon' from Dixon appear.  
Intimations of sibling rivalry?  By the way it's in the 10/21 issue of PW 
right on the back of the front cover..  I think $27.50 implies a big 
sucker.  TV advertising?  that's pretty scary.  Good weekend to everyone.

Richard Romeo

Coordinator of Cooperating Collections

The Foundation Center-NYC


rromeo at

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